Hartmann test and analysis
Kottamia Observatory in Egypt

Access since 2009/06/25

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  • Data for hartmann test

  • Analysis software for Hartmann test
    1. Analysis software, HartmannTest.exe, runs on MS-Windows. Software are coded w/ MS-Visual Studio and its C++.

      Main Window of

      (coded by T. Sasaki)

      Residual distribution
      calculated w/HartmannTest.exe

      Expected image
      at best focus

      Image at focus -100
      than the best focus

      Expected image
      at best focus

      Image at focus +100
      than the best focus

      Accumulated ratio of residual vectors
      for 0906210049.fits and 0906210045.fits

  • Hartmann Results from data taken on June 21, 2009
      SiteName Telescope Name Focus Name Focal Length (mm) Focal Ratio Detector Name
      Egypt Kottamia Newton 9138.5 4.87 CCD2154x2048 13.5 um/pix
      In-Focus Out-Focus Hartmann Constant
      Image Diameter
      Best Focus Diameter
      focus Diameter
      0906210047.fits 0906210044.fits 0.592 1.183 51226.122 1.004 50976.1 1.557 51166.1
      0906210047.fits 0906210045.fits 0.577 1.154 51222.035 0.949 51062 1.599 51152
      0906210047.fits 0906210051.fits 0.649 1.297 51167.904 1.163 51086.1 1.795 51076.1
      0906210047.fits 0906210052.fits 0.676 1.353 51186.671 1.096 51156.1 1.892 51106.1
      0906210048.fits 0906210044.fits 0.702 1.403 51452.961 1.217 51226.1 1.807 51336.1
      0906210048.fits 0906210045.fits 0.652 1.304 51426.823 1.161 51222 1.73 51362
      0906210048.fits 0906210051.fits 0.718 1.437 51360.292 1.355 51316.1 1.93 51286.1
      0906210048.fits 0906210052.fits 0.718 1.437 51377.662 1.283 51376.1 2.022 51426.1
      0906210049.fits 0906210044.fits 0.687 1.373 51444.09 1.236 51396.1 1.876 51326.1
      0906210049.fits 0906210045.fits 0.642 1.283 51417.971 1.121 51282 1.764 51392
      0906210049.fits 0906210051.fits 0.698 1.396 51352.076 1.376 51126.1 1.939 51316.1
      0906210049.fits 0906210052.fits 0.723 1.445 51369.706 1.238 51306.1 2.034 51416.1
      . average 0.6695 1.33875 51333.69275 1.18325 51210.90833 1.82875 51280.075
      . rms 0.048457104 0.097153229 104.2743201 0.128952511 131.4952433 0.150846777 123.1860465
      Detailed results
      in file
      KottamiNewtonHartmannResults.dat KottamiNewtonSerialFocusChange20090621.dat
    Variations of Image diameter by changing focus values

  • References
    1. Main Seidel Aberrations and their residual vector distributions

    Revision History ( after 2009 June 25 )

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