[2019/07/04 by TS]
install IRAF
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install IRAF
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IRAF/Pyraf commands 詳細 |
# conda environments: |
base /home/sasaki/miniconda2 iraf27 * /home/sasaki/miniconda2/envs/iraf27 /home/sasaki/miniconda3 /home/sasaki/miniconda3/envs/iraf27 |
$ setenv PYTHONSTARTUP "/home/rlw/python/pythonstartup.py" /home/rlw/iraf/pyraf/pyraf.Database |
IRAF Commands |
$ ls ~/miniconda2/envs/iraf27/ drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 20480 6月 23 11:02 bin drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 compiler_compat drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 20480 6月 23 11:02 conda-meta drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 doc drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:01 etc -rw-r--r-- 1 sasaki sasaki 7072 6月 23 11:02 extern.pkg -rw-r--r-- 1 sasaki sasaki 6965 6月 23 11:02 extern.pkg.ac_bak drwxr-xr-x 24 sasaki sasaki 12288 6月 23 11:00 include drwxr-xr-x 18 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 iraf drwxr-xr-x 4 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:58 doc/ drwxr-xr-x 14 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:58 math/ drwxr-xr-x 20 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:58 noao/ drwxr-xr-x 19 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 pkg/ drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 sys/ drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 unix/ drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 ur/ drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 util/ drwxr-xr-x 4 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 vendor/ drwxr-xr-x 10 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 vo/ drwxr-xr-x 29 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:02 iraf_extern drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 adccdrom/ drwxr-xr-x 5 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 cfh12k/ drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 cirred/ drwxr-xr-x 15 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 ctio/ drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 cutoutpkg/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 deitab/ drwxr-xr-x 5 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 esowfi/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 finder/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 fitsutil/ drwxr-xr-x 16 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 gemini/ drwxr-xr-x 5 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 gmisc/ drwxr-xr-x 11 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 guiapps/ drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:02 kepler/ drwxr-xr-x 5 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 mem0/ drwxr-xr-x 4 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 mscdb/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 mscred/ drwxr-xr-x 10 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 mtools/ drwxr-xr-x 12 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 nfextern/ drwxr-xr-x 15 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 rvsao/ drwxr-xr-x 5 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 sqiid/ drwxr-xr-x 8 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 stecf/ drwxr-xr-x 9 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 stsdas/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 tables/ drwxr-xr-x 6 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 ucsclris/ drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 upsqiid/ drwxr-xr-x 7 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 xdimsum/ drwxr-xr-x 17 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 xray/ drwxr-xr-x 21 sasaki sasaki 36864 6月 23 11:01 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:58 lib32 drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 libexec drwxr-xr-x 65 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 mkspecs drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 phrasebooks drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 plugins drwxr-xr-x 25 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 qml drwxr-xr-x 2 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 resources drwxr-xr-x 21 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:01 share drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:59 ssl drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 12288 6月 23 11:00 translations drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 11:00 var drwxr-xr-x 3 sasaki sasaki 4096 6月 23 10:58 x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu |
Modules: os pyraf shutil sys makeIrafPar : function makeIrafPar(init_value, datatype=None, name=' |
$ pyraf |
--> help images clpackage.images: imcoords - Image coordinates package imfilter - Image filtering package imfit - Image fitting package imgeom - Image geometric transformation package immatch - Image matching and combining package imutil - Image utilities package tv - Image display utilities package --> help list LISTSPEC (Apr2008) rvsao LISTSPEC (Apr2008) NAME listspec -- List wavelength and pixel value for spectrum image USAGE listspec filelist PARAMETERS input Image file template. specext = 0 Spectrum extension number in multiextension FITS image ... |
refer to
http://www.stsci.edu/institute/software_hardware/pyraf/pyraf_faq [ PyRAF FAQ [Last edited: 6 Jan 2017.] |
--> epar [task] |
--> setinstrument [task] |
--> .exit |
IRAF CL Script |
https://www.adc.nao.ac.jp/J/cc/public/koshu_shiryo/2010/IRAF2010-1/iraf2010-1_yoshida.pdf |
新規 CL script 1. procedure宣言 2. 明示パラメータ(スクリプト引数)宣言 3. (隠れパラメータ宣言) 4. (list directed parameters宣言) 5. begin 6. スクリプトの中身 7. endタスクの登録法 ecl> task mytask = mytask.cl task登録のとき”$”は無し←パラメータ(明示and/or隠れ)がスクリプト中にあるから ecl> redefine mytask = mytask.cl |
ホストの環境変数を参照する: osfn() |
file 出力: 1) (初期化出力) sections(infile, option=“fullname”, > tmpfile) 2) (追記) print( param, >> outfiles ) |
scan ( p1, p2, ... ) : 標準入力から読み取って内部変数p1, p2, ... , に格納 |
fscan( pp, p1, p2, ... ) : 内部変数ppから読み取って別の内部変数, p1, p2, ... , に格納 |
IRAFコマンドの出力を内部変数に格納する ecl> real x1, x2 ecl> imstat img/MT8191.fits field=“min,max” format-| scan( x1, x2 ) |
mktemp mktemp : 一時使用ファイル(temporary file)を作るコマンド ・ファイル名を自動生成する ecl> tmpfile= mktemp( “ppp.” ) : ppp.xxxx(xxxxは数字)というファイル名が自動生成されてtmpfileにアサインされる。 ecl> string tmpfile ecl> tmpfile= mktemp( “ppp.” ) ecl> =tmpfile ecl> print(“hello”, > tmpfile) ecl> lsecl> del (tmpfile) ecl> imcopy(“img/MT8191.fits”, tmpfile) ecl> ls ecl> imdel(tmpfile) |
list directed parameters(LDP) : テキストファイルの中身を、改行で区切られた文字列の順序リストとして格納してくれる CLスクリプト中での宣言:必ずbeginの前で、struct *pppあるいはstring *ppp テキストファイルをLDPに格納するやり方 ppp = file_name CLスクリプト中でファイルの中身を順序読み出しするときは、必ずこれを使う ecl> struct *tlist ecl> tlist = “table1” ecl> while (fscan (tlist, s1) != EOF) { print(s1) } |
ワイルドカードとsectionsコマンド IRAFでのワイルドカード *、?などのふつうのUNIXワイルドカードと、@付きファイルリスト IRAFワイルドカードはsectionsコマンドで展開して標準出力に書き出す sections( “*.fits”, option=“full”) sections( “@list”, option=“root”) |
# printit.clを実行してみよう # ecl> task printit=printit.cl # ecl> printit printit.cl procedure printit(file_name) string file_name struct *flist begin struct line flist= file_name while( fscan( flist, line ) != EOF ) print(line) end |
IRAF CL Script sample
!xpaset(), !xpaget() で CL Script 内で xpaset/xpaget() が使えそう。 |
Modified display2.cl using xpaset(), as oiginal display cannot be shown the header correctly but image display is OK.
procedure display2 (image) # 2019-09-06/TS # usage: ecl> task display2=display2.cl # ecl> redefine display2=display2.cl # # ecl> display2 /home/sasaki/IRAF/iraf/dev/image.fits # ecl> display2 /home/sasaki/IRAF/iraf/dev/image.fits frame=2 # ecl> epar display2 # char image = "dev$image2.fits" {prompt="image to be displayed Z"} int frame = 5 {prompt="frame to be written into"} char zoom = "zoom to fit" {prompt="zoom to fit, zoom 2"} # sring xxx begin string imagefile string frameno string szoom char options task $xpaset = "$foreign" imagefile = image frameno = frame szoom = zoom if( access( imagefile ) != yes ) { # print " *** File is not available [", image, "]" # imagefile is not expanded. print( " *** File is not available [", imagefile , "]") return } # if( access( image) == yes ) # if( access( image) == no ) # Make sure the 'tv' package is loaded... if ( !defpac("tv") ) { error(2,"Please load package 'tv' first!") } # Check whether the image exists... # unlearn chkimg # chkimg (imagefile, "access", verbose=yes) # if (!chkimg.ok) { return } # display image on monitor options = " -p ds9 frame frameno "//frameno # <== // means "strings" concatenating xpaset(options) # options= " -p -n ds9 fits "// imagefile options = " -p ds9 fits "//imagefile # <== // means "strings" concatenating xpaset(options) options = " -p ds9 "//szoom # <== // means "strings" concatenating xpaset(options) end # end of script |
The IRAF Packages IRAF Version 2.10 (This list does not reflect any tasks added by the various patches to V2.10.) | |
ref) NOAO_IRAF_beginners_guide.pdf ... Appendix A (P.41) in Q:\1ToshiPrivate\Appli\8Astro\IRAF | |
clpackage.clpackage: | |
dataio | Data format conversion package (RFITS, etc.) |
dbms | Database management package (not yet implemented) |
images | General image processing package |
language | The command language itself |
lists | List processing package |
local | The template local package |
obsolete | Obsolete tasks |
noao | The NOAO optical astronomy packages |
plot | Plot package |
proto | Prototype or interim tasks |
softools | Software tools package |
system | System utilties package |
utilities | Miscellaneous utilities package |
clpackage.dataio: | |
bintxt | Convert a binary file to an IRAF text file |
mtexamine | Examine the structure of a magnetic tape |
rcardimage | Convert a cardimage file into a text file |
reblock | Copy a binary file, optionally reblocking |
rfits | Convert a FITS image into an IRAF image |
rtextimage | Convert text files to IRAF images |
t2d | Fast tape to disk copy |
txtbin | Convert an IRAF text file to a binary file |
wcardimage | Convert text files to cardimage files |
wfits | Convert an IRAF image into a FITS image |
wtextimage | Convert an IRAF image to a text file |
clpackage.images: | |
blkavg | Block average or sum a list of N-D images |
blkrep | Block replicate a list of images |
boxcar | Boxcar smooth a list of 1 or 2-D images |
chpixtype | Change the pixel type of a list of images |
convolve | Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with a rectangular filter |
fit1d | Fit a function to image lines or columns |
fmedian | Quantize and median filter a 2-D image or a list of images |
fmode | Quantize and modal filter a 2-D image or list of images |
gauss | Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with an elliptical Gaussian |
geomap | Calculate a coordinate transformation |
geotran | Geometrically transform a set of 2-D images |
gradient | Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with a gradient operator |
hedit | Header editor |
hselect | Select a subset of images satisfying a boolean expression |
imarith | Simple image arithmetic |
imcombine | Combine images pixel-by-pixel using various algorithms |
imcopy | Copy an image |
imdebug | Image debugging package (currently undocumented) |
imdelete | Delete a list of images |
imdivide | Image division with zero checking and rescaling |
imgets | Return the value of an image parameter as a string |
imheader | Print an image header |
imhistogram | Compute image histogram |
imlintran | Linearly transform a list of 2-D images |
imrename | Rename one or more images |
imshift | Shift a list of 2-D images |
imslice | Slice images into images of lower dimension |
imstack | Stack images into a single image of higher dimension |
imstatistics | Compute and print statistics for a list of images |
imsum | Compute the sum, average, or median of a set of images |
imsurfit | Fit a surface to a 2-D image |
imtranspose | Transpose a 2-D image |
laplace | Laplacian filter a list of 1 or 2-D images |
lineclean | Replace deviant pixels in image lines |
listpixels | Convert an image section into a list of pixels |
magnify | Magnify a list of 1-D or 2-D images |
median | Median filter a 2-D image or list of images |
minmax | Compute the minimum and maximum pixel values in an image |
mode | Modal filter a 2-D image or list of images |
register | Register a set of images |
rotate | Rotate and shift a list of 2-D images |
sections | Expand an image template on the standard output |
shiftlines | Shift image lines |
tv | Image display load and control package |
clpackage.images.tv: | |
display | Load an image or image section into the display |
iis | IIS image display control package |
imedit | Examine and edit pixels in images |
imexamine | Examine images using image display, graphics, and text |
tvmark | Mark objects on the image display |
wcslab | Overlay a displayed image with a world coordinate grid |
clpackage.images.tv.iis: | |
blink | Blink two frames |
cv | Control image device, display "snapshot" |
cvl | Load image display (newer version of ’display’) |
erase | Erase an image frame |
frame | Select the frame to be displayed |
lumatch | Match the lookup tables of two frames |
monochrome | Select monochrome enhancement |
pseudocolor | Select pseudocolor enhancement |
rgb | Select true color mode (red, green, and blue frames) |
window | Adjust the contrast and dc offset of the current frame |
zoom | Zoom in on the image (change magnification) |
clpackage.language: | |
intro | A brief introduction to IRAF |
Language components: | |
break * | Break out of a loop |
case * | One setting of a switch |
commands | A discussion of the syntax of IRAF commands |
cursors | Graphics and image display cursors |
declarations | Parameter/variable declarations |
default * | The default clause of a switch |
else * | Else clause of IF statement |
for * | C-style for loop construct |
if * | If statement |
goto * | Goto statement |
logging | Discussion of CL logging |
next * | Start next iteration of a loop |
parameters | Discussion of parameter attributes |
procedure * | Start a procedure script |
return * | Return from script with an optional value |
switch * | Multiway branch construct |
while * | While loop |
Builtin Commands and Functions: | |
access | Test if a file exists |
back | Return to the previous directory (after a chdir) |
beep | Send a beep to the terminal |
bye | Exit a task or package |
cache | Cache parameter files, or print the current cache list |
cd | Change directory |
chdir | Change directory |
cl | Execute commands from the standard input |
clbye | A cl followed by a bye (used to save file descriptors) |
clear | Clear the terminal screen |
defpac | Test if a package is defined |
defpar | Test if a parameter is defined |
deftask | Test if a task is defined |
dparam | Dump a pset as a series of task.param=value assignments |
edit | Edit a text file |
ehistory | Edit history file to re-execute commands |
envget | Get the string value of an environment variable |
eparam | Edit parameters of a task |
error | Print error code and message and abort |
flprcache | Flush the process cache |
fprint * | Print a line into a parameter |
fscan * | Scan a list |
gflush | Flush any buffered graphics output |
hidetask | Make a task invisible to the user |
history | Display commands previously executed |
jobs | Display status of background jobs |
keep | Make recent set, task, etc. declarations permanent |
kill | Kill a background job |
logout | Log out of the CL |
lparam | List the parameters of a task |
mathfcns | Mathematical routines |
mktemp | Make a temporary (unique) file name |
| Return the host system equivalent of an IRAF filename |
package | Define a new package, or print the current package names |
prcache | Show process cache, or lock a process into the cache |
Format and print a line on the standard output | |
putlog | Put a message to the logfile |
radix | Encode a number in the specified radix |
redefine | Redefine a task |
reset | Reset the value of an environment variable |
scan * | Scan the standard input |
service | Service a query from a background job |
set | Set an environment variable |
show | Show an environment variable |
sleep | Hibernate for a specified time |
strings | String manipulation routines |
stty | Set/show terminal characteristics |
task | Define a new task |
time | Print the current time |
unlearn | Restore the default parameters for a task or package |
update | Update a task’s parameters (flush to disk) |
wait | Wait for all background jobs to complete |
clpackage.lists: | |
average | Compute the mean and standard deviation of a list |
columns | Convert multicolumn file to separate files |
lintran | Perform linear transformation of a list |
rgcursor | Read the graphics cursor (makes a list) |
rimcursor | Read the image display cursor (makes a list) |
table | Format a list of words into a table |
tokens | Break a file up into a stream of tokens |
unique | Delete redundant elements from a list |
words | Break a file up into a stream of words |
clpackage.obsolete: The previous package and release is listed in parenthesis | |
imtitle | Change the title of an image (noao.proto V2.9) |
mkhistogram | List or plot the histogram of a data stream (noao.proto V2.9) |
oimcombine | Combine images (images.imcombine V2.9) |
radplot | PLot the radial profile of an object (noao.proto V2.9) |
clpackage.plot: | |
calcomp | Plot metacode on a Calcomp pen plotter |
contour | Make a contour plot of an image |
crtpict | Generate greyscale plots of IRAF images |
gdevices | List available imaging or other graphics devices |
gkidecode | Decode metacode on the standard output |
gkidir | Directory listing of metacode file |
gkiextract | Extract individual frames from metacode file |
gkimosaic | Condense metacode frames to fit on one page |
graph | Graph one or more image sections or lists |
hafton | Generate half-tone plots of an image |
imdkern | Image display device (IMD) graphics kernel |
implot | Plot lines and columns of images using cursors |
nsppkern | Plot metacode on a NSPP (NCAR) plotter device |
pcol | Plot a column of an image |
pcols | Plot the average of a range of image columns |
phistogram | Plot or print the histogram of an image or list |
pradprof | Plot or list the radial profile of a stellar object |
prow | Plot a line (row) of an image |
prows | Plot the average of a range of image lines |
pvector | Plot an arbitrary vector in a 2D image |
sgidecode | Decode an SGI format metacode file |
sgikern | Simple graphics interface (SGI) graphics kernel |
showcap | Show and decode graphcap entries |
stdgraph | Plot metacode on the standard graphics device |
stdplot | Plot metacode on the standard plotter device |
surface | Make a surface plot of an image |
velvect | Plot representation of a velocity field |
clpackage.proto: | |
binfil | Create a binary file from an IRAF image |
bscale | Linearly transform the intensities of a list of images |
epix | Edit pixels in an image |
fields | Extract specified fields from a list |
fixpix | Fix bad pixels by linear interpolation from nearby pixels |
hfix | Fix image headers with a user specified command |
imalign | Register and shift a list of images |
imcentroid | Compute relative shifts for a list of images |
imcntr | Locate the center of a stellar image |
imfunction | Apply a function to the image pixel values |
imreplace | Replace pixels in a range by a constant |
imscale | Scale an image to a specified (windowed) mean |
interp | Interpolate for a value in a table of X,Y pairs |
irafil | Create an IRAF image from a binary data file |
joinlines | Join text files line by line |
suntoiraf | Convert Sun rasters into IRAF images |
wcsedit | Edit the image coordinate system |
wcsreset | Reset the image coordinate system |
clpackage.softools: | |
generic | Preprocess a generic source file |
hdbexamine | Examine a help database |
lroff | Lroff (line-roff) text formatter |
mkhelpdb | Make (compile) a help database |
mkmanpage | Make a manual page |
mkpkg | Make or update an object library or package |
mktags | Tag all procedure declarations in a set of files |
mkttydata | Build cache for termcap/graphcap device entries |
rmbin | Find/delete binary files in subdirectories |
rmfiles | Find/delete files in subdirectories |
rtar | Read a TAR format archive file |
wtar | Write a TAR format archive file |
xc | Compile and/or link a program |
xyacc | Build an SPP language parser |
clpackage.system: | |
allocate | Allocate a device, i.e., magtape drive mta, mtb, ... |
concatenate | Concatenate a list of files |
copy | Copy a file or files (use IMCOPY for imagefiles) |
count | Count the number of lines, words, characters in a text file |
deallocate | Deallocate a previously allocated device |
delete | Delete a file or files (use IMDELETE to delete imagefiles) |
devices | Print information on the locally available devices |
devstatus | Print the status of a device (mta, mtb, ...) |
directory | List the files in a directory |
diskspace | Show how much diskspace is available |
files | Expand a file template into a list of files |
gripes | Send suggestions, complaints, etc. to the system |
head | Print the first few lines of a text file |
help | Print online documentation |
lprint | Print a file on the line printer device |
match | Print all lines in a file that match a pattern |
mkdir | Create a new directory |
mkscript | Make a command script |
movefiles | Move files to a directory |
netstatus | Print the status of the local network |
news | Page through the system news file |
page | Page through a file |
pathnames | Expand a file template into a list of OS pathnames |
phelp | Paged HELP: collects and pages the output of HELP |
protect | Protect a file from deletion |
references | Find all help database references for a given topic |
rename | Rename a file |
rewind | Rewind a device (magtape) |
sort | Sort a text file |
spy | Show processor status |
tail | Print the last few lines of a file |
tee | Tee the standard output into a file |
type | Type a text file on the standard output |
unprotect | Remove delete protection from a file |
clpackage.utilities: | |
curfit | Fit data with Chebyshev, Legendre or spline curve |
detab | Replace tabs with tabs and blanks |
entab | Replace blanks with tabs and blanks |
lcase | Convert a file to lower case |
polyfit | Fit polynomial to list of X,Y data |
split | Split a large file into smaller segments |
translit | Replace or delete specified characters in a file |
ucase | Convert a file to upper case |
urand | Uniform random number generator |
Note: Language package keywords are starred[*]. To get help on a keyword enclose it in quotes. |
The NOAO Packages IRAF Version 2.10 (This list does not reflect any tasks added by the various patches to V2.10.) | |
ref) NOAO_IRAF_beginners_guide.pdf ... Appendix B (P.47) in Q:\1ToshiPrivate\Appli\8Astro\IRAF | |
clpackage.clpackage: | |
noao: | |
artdata | Artificial data generation package [up] |
astrometry | Astrometry package |
astutil | Astronomical utilities package [up] |
digiphot | Digital stellar photometry package [up] |
focas | Faint object classification and analysis package |
imred | Image reductions package [up] |
mtlocal | Magtape i/o for special NOAO format tapes [up] |
nobsolete | Obsolete tasks to be phased out in a future release [up] |
nproto | Prototype (temporary, contributed) tasks [up] |
observatory | Examine and define observatory parameters [up] |
onedspec | One dimensional spectral red & analysis package [up] |
rv | Radial velocity analysis package [up] |
surfphot | Galaxy isophotal analysis package |
twodspec | Two dimensional spectral red & analysis package [up] |
noao.artdata: | |
gallist | Make an artificial galaxies list |
mk1dspec | Make/add artificial 1D spectra |
mk2dspec | Make/add artificial 2D spectra using 1D spectra templates |
mkechelle | Make artificial 1D and 2D echelle spectra |
mkexamples | Make artificial data examples |
mkheader | Append/replace header parameters |
mknoise | Make/add noise and cosmic rays to 1D/2D images |
mkobjects | Make/add artificial stars and galaxies to 2D images |
mkpattern | Make/add patterns to images |
starlist | Make an artificial star list |
noao.astutil: | |
airmass | Compute the airmass at a given elevation above the horizon |
asttimes | Compute UT, Julian day, epoch, and siderial time |
ccdtime | Compute time required to observe star of given magnitude |
galactic | Convert ra, dec to galactic coordinates |
gratings | Compute and print grating parameters |
pdm | Find periods in light curves by Phase Dispersion Minimization |
precess | Precess a list of astronomical coordinates |
rvcorrect | Compute radial velocity corrections |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
noao.digiphot: | |
apphot | Aperture Photometry Package |
daophot | Dao Crowded-Field Photometry Package |
photcal | Photometric Calibration Package |
ptools | Photometry Tools Package |
noao.digiphot.apphot: | |
aptest | Run basic tests on the apphot package tasks |
center | Compute accurate centers for a list of objects |
centerpars | Edit the centering parameters |
daofind | Find stars in an image using the DAO algorithm |
datapars | Edit the data dependent parameters |
fitpsf | Model the stellar psf with an analytic function |
fitsky | Compute sky values in a list of annular or circular regions |
fitskypars | Edit the sky fitting parameters |
phot | Measure magnitudes for a list of stars |
photpars | Edit the photometry parameters |
polymark | Create polygon lists for polyphot |
polyphot | Measure magnitudes inside a list of polygonal regions |
polypars | Edit the polyphot parameters |
qphot | Measure quick magnitudes for a list of stars |
radprof | Compute the stellar radial profile of a list of stars |
wphot | Measure magnitudes for a list of stars with weighting |
lintran | Linearly transform a coordinate list |
pexamine | Interactively examine or edit an apphot output file |
txdump | Dump select fields from an apphot output file |
noao.digiphot.daophot: | |
addstar | Add artificial stars to an image using the computed psf |
allstar | Group and fit psf to multiple stars simultaneously |
centerpars | Edit the centering algorithm parameters |
daofind | Find stars in an image using the DAO algorithm |
daopars | Edit the daophot algorithms parameter set |
daotest | Run basic tests on the daophot package tasks |
datapars | Edit the data dependent parameters |
fitskypars | Edit the sky fitting algorithm parameters |
group | Group stars based on positional overlap and signal/noise |
nstar | Fit the psf to groups of stars simultaneously |
peak | Fit the psf to single stars |
phot | Compute sky values and initial magnitudes for a list of stars |
photpars | Edit the photometry parameters |
psf | Fit the point spread function |
seepsf | Compute an image of the point spread function |
substar | Subtract the fitted stars from the original image |
pappend | Concatenate a list of daophot databases |
pconvert | Convert a text database to a tables database |
pdump | Print selected fields from a list of daophot databases |
grpselect | Select groups of a specified size from a daophot database |
pexamine | Interactively examine and edit a daophot database |
prenumber | Renumber stars in a daophot database |
pselect | Select records from a daophot database |
psort | Sort a daophot database |
noao.digiphot.ptools: | |
istable | Is a file a table or text database file ? |
pappend | Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot databases |
pconvert | Convert from an apphot/daophot text to tables database |
pdump | Print selected columns of a list of daophot/apphot databases |
prenumber | Renumber a list of apphot/daophot databases |
pexamine | Interactively examine and edit an apphot/daophot database |
pselect | Select records from a list of apphot/daophot databases |
psort | Sort a list of apphot/daophot databases |
pttest | Run basic tests on the ptools package tasks |
tbappend | Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot tables databases |
tbdump | Print selected columns of a list of tables databases |
tbrenumber | Renumber a list of apphot/daophot tables databases |
tbselect | Select records from a list of apphot/daophot tables databases |
tbsort | Sort a list of apphot/daophot tables databases |
txappend | Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot text databases |
txdump | Print selected columns of a list of apphot/daophot text databases |
txrenumber | Renumber a list of apphot/daophot text databases |
txselect | Select records from a list of apphot/daophot text databases |
txsort | Sort a list of apphot/daophot text databases |
noao.imred: | |
argus | CTIO ARGUS reduction package |
bias | General bias subtraction tools |
ccdred | Generic CCD reductions |
ctioslit | CTIO spectrophotometric reduction package |
dtoi | Density to Intensity reductions for photographic plates |
echelle | Echelle spectra reductions (slit and FOE) |
generic | Generic image reductions tools |
hydra | KPNO HYDRA (and NESSIE) reduction package |
iids | KPNO IIDS spectral reductions |
irred | KPNO IR camera reductions |
irs | KPNO IRS spectral reductions |
kpnocoude | KPNO coude reduction package (slit and 3 fiber) |
kpnoslit | KPNO low/moderate dispersion slits (Goldcam, RCspec, Whitecam) |
specred | Generic slit and fiber spectral reduction package |
vtel | Solar vacuum telescope image reductions |
noao.imred.argus: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plots of spectra |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
msresp1d | Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra |
refspectra | Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra |
reidentify | Automatically identify features in spectra |
sapertures | Set or change aperture header information |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges |
scopy | Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectrum header parameters |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
doargus | Process ARGUS spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.bias: | |
colbias | Fit and subtract an average column bias |
linebias | Fit and subtract an average line bias |
noao.imred.ccdred: | |
badpiximage | Create a bad pixel mask image from a bad pixel file |
ccdgroups | Group CCD images into image lists |
ccdhedit | CCD image header editor |
ccdinstrument | Review and edit instrument translation files |
ccdlist | List CCD processing information |
ccdproc | Process CCD images |
ccdtest | CCD test and demonstration package |
combine | Combine CCD images |
cosmicrays | Detect and replace cosmic rays |
darkcombine | Combine and process dark count images |
flatcombine | Combine and process flat field images |
mkfringecor | Make fringe correction images from sky images |
mkillumcor | Make flat field illumination correction images |
mkillumflat | Make illumination corrected flat fields |
mkskycor | Make sky illumination correction images |
mkskyflat | Make sky corrected flat field images |
setinstrument | Set instrument parameters |
zerocombine | Combine and process zero level images |
ccdgeometry | Discussion of CCD coordinate/geometry keywords |
ccdtypes | Description of the CCD image types |
flatfields | Discussion of CCD flat field calibrations |
guide | Introductory guide to using the CCDRED package |
instruments | Instrument specific data files |
package | CCD image reduction package |
subsets | Description of CCD subsets |
noao.imred.ccdred.ccdtest: | |
artobs | Create an artfificial CCD observation |
demo | Run a demonstration of the CCD reduction package |
mkimage | Make or modify an image with simple values |
subsection | Create an artificial subsection CCD observation |
noao.imred.ctioslit: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT |
calibrate | Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra |
continuum | Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
identify | Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function |
refspectra | Assign reference spectra to object spectra |
reidentify | Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra |
scopy | Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectral header elements |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Plot and analysis spectra |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
doslit | Process CTIO slit spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.dtoi: | |
dematch | Match a list of density values to exposure values |
hdfit | Fit a curve to density, log exposure values |
hdshift | Align related HD curves |
hdtoi | Apply DTOI transformation to density image |
selftest | Self test program to check DTOI transformation |
spotlist | Generate a list of calibration spot values |
noao.imred.echelle: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
apfit | Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio |
apflatten | Remove overall spectral and profile shapes from flat fields |
apmask | Create an IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures |
apnormalize | Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apscatter | Fit and subtract scattered light |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plots of spectra |
calibrate | Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
ecidentify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
ecreidentify | Automatically reidentify features in spectra |
refspectra | Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra |
scopy | Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats |
sensfunc | Compute sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectrum header parameters |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
doecslit | Process Echelle slit spectra |
dofoe | Process Fiber Optic Echelle (FOE) spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.generic: | |
background | Fit and subtract a line or column background |
cosmicrays | Detect and replace cosmic rays |
darksub | Scale and subtract a dark count image |
flat1d | Make flat field by fitting a 1D func. to the lines or columns |
flatten | Flatten images using a flat field |
normalize | Normalize images |
normflat | Create a flat field by normalizing and replacing low values |
noao.imred.hydra: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apscatter | Fit and remove scattered light |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plots of spectra |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
msresp1d | Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra |
refspectra | Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra |
reidentify | Automatically identify features in spectra |
sapertures | Set or change aperture header information |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges |
scopy | Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectrum header parameters |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
dohydra | Process HYDRA spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.iids: | |
addsets | Add subsets of strings of spectra |
batchred | Batch processing of IIDS/IRS spectra |
bplot | Batch plots of spectr |
bswitch | Beam-switch strings of spectra to make obj-sky pairs |
calibrate | Apply sensitivity correction to spectra |
coefs | Extract mtn reduced ceofficients from henear scans |
coincor | Correct spectra for detector count rates |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
extinct | Use BSWITCH for extinction correction |
flatdiv | Divide spectra by flat field |
flatfit | Sum and normalize flat field spectra |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
lcalib | List calibration file data |
mkspec | Generate an artificial spectrum |
names | Generate a list of image names from a string |
powercor | Apply power law correction to mountain reduced spectra |
process | A task generated by BATCHRED |
refspectra | Assign reference spectra to object spectra |
reidentify | Automatically identify features in spectra |
scombine | Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
sinterp | Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum |
slist1d | List spectral header elements |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
subsets | Substract pairs in strings of spectra |
sums | Generate sums of object and sky spectra by aperture |
noao.imred.irred: | |
center | Compute accurate centers for a list of objects |
centerpars | Edit the centering parameters |
datapars | Edit the data dependent parameters |
flatten | Flatten images using a flat field |
iralign | Align the image produced by irmosaic |
irmatch1d | Align and intensity match the image produced by irmosaic (1D) |
irmatch2d | Align and intensity match the image produced by irmosaic (2D) |
irmosaic | Mosaic an ordered list of images onto a grid |
mosproc | Prepare images for quick look mosaicing |
txdump | Select fields from the center task output text file |
noao.imred.irs: | |
addsets | Add subsets of strings of spectra |
batchred | Batch processing of IIDS/IRS spectra |
bplot | Batch plots of spectra |
bswitch | Beam-switch strings of spectra to make obj-sky pairs |
calibrate | Apply sensitivity correction to spectra |
coefs | Extract mtn reduced ceofficients from henear scans |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
extinct | Use BSWITCH for extinction correction |
flatdiv | Divide spectra by flat field |
flatfit | Sum and normalize flat field spectra |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
lcalib | List calibration file data |
mkspec | Generate an artificial spectrum |
names | Generate a list of image names from a string |
process | A task generated by BATCHRED |
refspectra | Assign reference spectra to object spectra |
reidentify | Automatically identify features in spectra |
scombine | Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
sinterp | Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum |
slist1d | List spectral header elements |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
subsets | Substract pairs in strings of spectra |
sums | Generate sums of object and sky spectra by aperture |
noao.imred.kpnocoude: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT |
calibrate | Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra |
continuum | Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
identify | Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function |
msresp1d | Create fiber response spectra from flat field and sky spectra |
refspectra | Assign reference spectra to observations |
reidentify | Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions |
sapertures | Set or change aperture header information |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra |
scopy | Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectrum headers |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Plot and analyze spectra |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
do3fiber | Process KPNO coude three fiber spectra |
doslit | Process KPNO coude slit spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.kpnoslit: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT |
calibrate | Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra |
continuum | Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction corrections |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
identify | Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function |
refspectra | Assign reference spectra to observations |
reidentify | Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra |
scopy | Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
slist | List spectrum headers |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Plot and analyze spectra |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
doslit | Process slit spectra |
demos | Demonstrations and tests |
noao.imred.specred: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
apfit | Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio |
apflatten | Remove overall spectral and profile shapes from flat fields |
apmask | Create and IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures |
apnormalize | Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apscatter | Fit and subtract scattered light |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
bplot | Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT |
calibrate | Extinction and flux calibrate spectra |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction correction |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Doppler correct spectra |
fitprofs | Fit gaussian profiles |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
msresp1d | Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra |
refspectra | Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra |
reidentify | Automatically reidentify features in spectra |
sapertures | Set or change aperture header information |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra |
scopy | Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats |
sensfunc | Compute instrumental sensitivity from standard stars |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
sfit | Fit spectra and output fit, ratio, or difference |
skysub | Sky subtract extracted multispec spectra |
slist | List spectrum header parameters |
specplot | Scale, stack, and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
standard | Tabuluate standard star counts and fluxes |
dofibers | Process fiber spectra |
doslit | Process slit spectra |
noao.imred.vtel: | |
destreak | Destreak He 10830 grams. |
destreak5 | First pass processing CL script for 10830 grams. |
dicoplot | Make dicomed plots of carrington maps. |
fitslogr | Make a log of certain header parameters from a FITS tape. |
getsqib | Extract the squibby brightness image from a full disk scan. |
makehelium | Cl script for processing destreaked 10830 grams(second pass). |
makeimages | Cl script for processing magnetograms into projected maps |
merge | Merge daily grams into a Carrington map. |
mrotlogr | Log some header parameters from a FITS rotation map tape. |
mscan | Read all sector scans on a tape and put them into images. |
pimtext | Put text directly into images using a pixel font. |
putsqib | Merge a squibby brightness image into a full disk image. |
quickfit | Fit an ellipse to the solar limb. |
readvt | Read a full disk tape and produce an IRAF image. |
rmap | Map a full disk image into a 180 by 180 flat image. |
syndico | Make dicomed print of daily grams 18 cm across. |
tcopy | Tape to tape copy routine. |
trim | Set all pixels outside the limb to 0.0 (use sqib for limb). |
unwrap | Remove effects of data wraparound on continuum scans. |
vtblink | Blink daily grams on the IIS to check for registration. |
vtexamine | Examine a vacuum telescope tape, print headers and profile. |
writetape | Cl script to write 5 full disk grams to tape. |
writevt | Write an IRAF image to tape in vacuum telescope format. |
noao.mtlocal: | |
ldumpf | List the permanent files on a Cyber DUMPF tape |
r2df | Convert a CTIO 2-d frutti image into an IRAF image |
rcamera | Convert a CAMERA image into an IRAF image |
rdumpf | Convert IPPS rasters from a DUMPF tape to IRAF images |
ridsfile | Convert IDSFILES from a DUMPF tape to IRAF images |
ridsmtn | Convert mountain format IDS/IRS data to IRAF images |
ridsout | Convert a text file in IDSOUT format to IRAF images |
rpds | Convert a PDS image into an IRAF image |
rrcopy | Convert IPPS rasters from an RCOPY tape to IRAF images |
widstape | Convert ONEDSPEC spectra to IDSOUT text format |
noao.nproto: | |
binpairs | Bin pairs of (x,y) points in log separation |
findgain | Estimate the gain and readnoise of a CCD |
findthresh | Estimate a CCD’s sky noise from the gain and readnoise |
iralign | Align the mosaiced image produced by irmosaic |
irmatch1d | Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (1D) |
irmatch2d | Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (2D) |
irmosaic | Mosaic an ordered list of images onto a grid |
linpol | Calculate polarization frames and Stoke’s parameters |
slitpic | Generate IRAF image of aperture slit mask |
noao.onedspec: | |
bplot | Batch plots of spectra |
calibrate | Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra |
continuum | Fit the continuum in spectra |
deredden | Apply interstellar extinction correction |
dispaxis | Dispersion axis parameters for 2D images |
dispcor | Dispersion correct spectra |
dopcor | Apply doppler corrections |
fitprofs | Fit gaussian profiles |
identify | Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution |
lcalib | List calibration file data |
mkspec | Generate an artificial spectrum |
names | Generate a list of image names from a string |
ndprep | Make neutral density filter calibration image |
refspectra | Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra |
reidentify | Automatically identify features in spectra |
sapertures | Set or change aperture header information |
sarith | Spectrum arithmetic |
scombine | Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges |
scopy | Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats |
sensfunc | Create sensitivity function |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
sfit | Fit spectra and output fit, ratio, or difference |
sinterp | Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum |
slist | List spectrum header parameters |
specplot | Stack and plot multiple spectra |
splot | Preliminary spectral plot/analysis |
standard | Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc |
package | Discussion and overview of package including sections on: spectral formats, dispersion coordinates, and units |
noao.rv: | |
continpars | Edit continuum subtraction parameters |
fltpars | Edit the flter function parameters |
fxcor | Radial velocities via Fourier cross correlation |
keywpars | Translate the image header keywords used in RV package |
rvcorrect | Compute radial velocity corrections |
noao.twodspec: | |
apextract | Aperture Extraction Package |
longslit | Longslit Package |
noao.twodspec.apextract: | |
apall | Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task) |
apdefault | Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable |
apdemos | Various tutorial demonstrations |
apedit | Edit apertures interactively |
apfind | Automatically find spectra and define apertures |
apfit | Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio |
apflatten | Remove overall spectral and profle shapes from flat fields |
apmask | Create and IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures |
apnormalize | Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions |
aprecenter | Recenter apertures |
apresize | Resize apertures |
apscatter | Fit and subtract scattered light |
apsum | Extract 1D spectra |
aptrace | Trace positions of spectra |
apbackground | Background subtraction algorithms |
approfles | Profle determination algorithms |
apvariance | Extractions, variance weighting, cleaning, and noise model |
package | Package parameters and general description of package |
noao.twodspec.longslit: | |
background | Fit and subtract a line or column background |
extinction | Apply atmospheric extinction corrections to images |
fitcoords | Fit user coordinates to image coordinates |
fluxcalib | Apply flux calibration to images |
identify | Identify features |
illumination | Determine illumination calibration |
reidentify | Reidentify features |
response | Determine response calibration |
setairmass | Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure |
setjd | Compute and set Julian dates in images |
transform | Transform longslit images to user coordinates |
Many of the tasks in the NOAO packages are visible in several different packages. Although these are the same tasks and provide the same functionality, the default parameters are often set differently to account for different instruments or uses. |
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