Works at Kottamia during 2009-06-07 ` 2009-06-11 by Takeshi Noguchi & Toshiyuki Sasaki on 2009-06-14/06-17/06-18 1) Adjustment of Primary Mioor(M1)FWe found that three axial fixed support (Axial Fixation Point AFP) pads are higher towards M1 above other movable axial support(AS) pads. By sinking those AFP pads and adjusting other AS pads, we successfully improved the stellar images to normal single-shaped round images than 3-segmented images before. We confirmed that stellar images keep being round over the sky by moving the telescope. Our main purpose of this trip is acheived successfully. 2) CCD 10' FOV was shifted mechanically to the new coma-free center(with diameter about 2'). Coma-free field is found to be shifted by about 4' by changing the telescope north to south. This shift may be occured by a mount gap inside the Newtonian mirror or/and a flexure of spiders for Newtonian mirror. It must be adjusted for mount system inside the Newtonian mirror and the spiders. If not adjusted, we propose that installation of a XY slider mechanics is necessary for Newtonian instruments to compensate the shift of Coma-free region. 3) By measuring the optical axis with a laser beam gun attached to Cassegrain(Cs) focus, CCD mount at the Newtonian focus was shifted to match the optical axis. 4) We discussed about the future collaborations between Egypt and japan on the Kottamia Telescope and Astronomy. 4-1) As we found a free space around the limiter for AS counter balance looks too tight, we propose to expand the free spaces to widen the counter balance up-down ranges to M1, which can be done on our next visit. 4-2) We propose a CO2 snow cleaning method which cleans up the dust on M1. 4-3) We propose an installation of a XY slider mechanics for Newtonian instruments to compensate the shift of Coma-free region. 4-4) We propose a new installation of a Cassegrain buffle inside the telescope tube. 4-5) We propose modification of flat-field ilumination for Cassegrain instruments (Note-1). 4-6) We discuss about remote control of Cs sprectrograph. 4-7) We propose our new method of "Pre-Wet" in aluminizing mirrors, M1 and M2. 4-8) We propose to install a light-blocking screen on another side of telescope tube to Newtonian focus. 4-9) We propose to carry out the Hartmann test to invetigate the coma-free field at Newtonian FOV. We express to create and provide to Kottamia people our new software to analyze the Hartmann test images on Microsoft Windows. (* Note-1) By conducting with Dr. Yoshida at OAO, he said that a flat-field illumination at Cassegrain (Cs), reflecting the Cs screen, is not used at Subaru telescope currently as it doesn't pass through the whole telescope optics. Dome flat-fielding is normally as a standard for Cs spectrograph, FOCAS (2009-06-17). We must consider the flat-field illumination should be based using dome flat-field ilumination for Cs spectrograph for Kottamia Telescope. Contacted persons: Ass.Prof. Hamed Ismail, Director of Astronomical Devision Dr. Ahmed Essam Dr. Gamal Bakk Ali Dr. Ibrahim Selim Eng. Mohamed Ismail Imam Dr. XXX who guided us to the famous market, Khan el-Khalili. Dr. YYY who guided us to Giza Pyramid and Cairo Airport. works (5-8 persons) and a driver at Kottamia observatory Mr. Masaru TsukamotoiJICA, from Japan Science and Technology Agency, stay for a half year and more for 1.t year) Prof. Salah Mahmoud, Director of NRIAG Dr. Maged Alsherbeny, Science advisor of Egypt government ------- Working reports 2009-06-07 at Kottamia * At the bigging of works, we were reported that there are some gaps between M1 Axial Support(AS) pads #8, #9 and the back surface of M1. A gps for the pad #8 is 0.15mm, and the pad #9 can be rotated which shows a slight gap (observed in 2009-05). * In order to confirm the current status of M1 axial support system, we measured gaps between AS pads and the M1 back-surface with thin feeler gauge (gap gauge). There are gaps for AS#1, AS#3, AS#8. For AS#14, we cannot pull up the counter-weight to make a gap to insert the feeler gauge, which means the AS#14's counter-weight is touching to the upper limit. * Checked the limiter of AS#8. We can release (counter-rotate) the lower screw which works as a lower limiter, but the gap between the AS#8 pad and M1 is not widened. So we must widen the free space for limiters (in future), otherwise we must put the thin sheets between the AS#8 pad and M1. As we cannot modify the limiter parts this time, we use a part of a cover sheet (0.4mm thick) of Noguchi-san's binder as temporal plastic sheets to be inserted. * We inserted plastic sheets to AS#1 of 1 sheet, AS#3 of 1 sheet, AS#8 of 2 sheets. We got 3-segmented stellar images during night observations on the day 2009-06-07. But we got unstable stellar images as a time series; first we got 3-segmented images, then got round images, and finally got double images. After we removed the plastic sheets, we got larger round images, not 3-segmented. * We were informaed that Zeiss reported (dated 1998-06-10, test cerificate of main mirror in kottamia sky.pdf) total optical performance of 0.35 arcsec with Shack-Hartmann test and E80% ` 0.25arcsec in another report (mirror optical system.pdf). So the M1 and mirror cell have been created normally with good performance. We believed that we can find good solution over the current bad images. 2009-06-08 at Kottamia * New Plastic sheets(thickness of 0.2mm) arrived. * By watching Newtonian mirror(M2) and M1 image reflecting by M2 through the Cs hole, it is recognized that M1 image is shifted to northern direction. * The M1 cell was detached from the telescope tube and then the M1 was removed from the M1 cell. The M1 support system was investigated. * As some values are noted on CW base, possibly the measured distance for CW and their parts, those values were recorded. * CW balance was evaluated by putting the dummy weight on the CW pads. All CWs are confirmed as balanced around the devided weight of the M1 (1620kg/18 = 90kg). * By using 1m steel measure, heights of Axial Fixation Point(AFP) and surrounding Axial Supports(AS) were compared with. For AFP#3, it is higher than the surrounding ASs. It should be a real cause to make 3-segmented stellar images. Lengths of AFP adjusting screws were measured on the back-side of the M1 cell. A value of 10.5mm is the back-length of AFP#2's screw, which pad is lower than than surrounding AS pads. In order to sink AFP pads than the surrounding AS pads, back-lengths of ASF screws were set to 14.9mm. * We tried to investigate the structure of axial support system, as a sample of AS#8. But we abondoned to do so, as we need some special tool (a claw wrench) to release CW's lock mechanics. * After M1 was put inside the mirror cell, we checked how ASs and AFPs touched to the back-surface of M1. There were some gaps for AS#1 (gap of 0.05mm) and AS#3(a small gap), and no gap for AS#8. * We set back-lengths of ASF screws longer ( which means sink the AFP pads) for AFP#1 of 15.0mm, and AFP#3 of 15.0mm. Then all pads of AFP#1, #2, and #3 were detouched from the bak-surface of M1. Under this circumstance, there were some gap for AS#1, no gap for AS#3, at the upper limit for AS#5, AS#6, and AS#10-AS#15. It was now clear that AFP pads must touch the back-surface of M1. * We set back-lengths of AFP#1, AFP#2, AFP#3 to 12.1mm. Under this circumstance, there were some gap for AS#1, AS#2, AS#3, and AS#8, but OK for AS#10-AS#15. * We set one Plastic sheet (t0.2mm) for AS#3. Then, pads of AFP#1, AFP#2, AFP#3 touched just to the back-surface of M1. * Gaps and touching space were confirmed for all ASs and AFPs. As there some gaps for AS#1 and AS#2 about 0.05mm, plastic sheets were inserted. Inner AS#10-AS#15 were at the upper limit. * Pads of AFP#1, #2, and #3 were raised by rotating those back-side screws by 20 degree (corresponding to 0.1mm up as a screw picth of 3mm). Then, AS#3's pad was OK, a plastic sheet was inserted to AS#8, pads of AS#10-#13 and #15 were OK, but AS#14 was at the upper limit. each number of plastic sheets (thickness of 0.2mm) inserted to AFPs and ASs so far were one for AS#1, one for AS#2, two for AS#3, and one for AS#8. * As adjustment of axial support system had been almost finished, mirror cell with M1 was attached to the telescope. * ASs and AFPs were checked on touch of pads to the back-surface of M1 under the complete shape of the telescope with M1 and mirror cell attached. * At night, stars were observed with the telescope. Although some elongated images were got under off-focus cases (due to coma?), nice round images were got in the best-focus case. Coma-free field was investigated. 2009-06-09 at Kottamia * Optical axis were adjusted using M1, Newtonian mirror(M2), and CCD camera at Newtonian focus. A Laser beam gun was attached to Cassegrain focus and Laser beam was emiited through Cs hole to the M2 and CCD camera. Cross strings were set at Cs hole and Newtonian focus to identify the center of the mechanics. As both of rough and precise adjusting screws for M2 had been shifted nearly to their limits, adjusting screws for M2 were set to neutral positions. CCD mount was moved mechanically by 30mm to match the optical axis which we measured using the laser beam. * We conducted observations of stellar field during night. Stellar images were deformed. ASs and AFPs were checked as OK for AS#1-AS#9, OK for AFP#1,AFP#2,AFP#3, OK for AS#10-AS$13 and AS#15, but at the upper limit for AS#14. * Pads of AFP#1, #2, and #3 were raised by 0.1mm by rotating those back-side screws by 10 degree. In this case, AFP#3 pad didn't touch the back-surface of M1. * We rotated AFP#1, #2, and #3 back-side screws more by 10 degree. As there were some gaps for AS#4 and AS#8, one plastic sheet each was inserted. Also another plastic sheet was inserted to AS#9. * By checking gaps for all ASs, and AFPs, all wre OK including AS#14 which was previously at the upper limit. * We confirmed that stellar images were nealy perfectly round and stable. By observing star-gathering field around a globular cluster, the coma-free field was shifted a bit from the center of CCD FOV. 2009-06-10 at Kottamia * We discussed to use of CO2 snow method for dust cleaning from M1. * We measured lock screws for counter weight of axial supports, as we need some tools to loose the lock screws in order to widen the limiter range. * We suggested that axial supports should be checked every time when the telescope is sit nearly on the horizon for maintenance and refilling of LN2. This check should be kept till possible permanent solution of wide limiter range is applied, which is done in our next visit. * After we reconfirm the offset of Coma-free field to the center of CCD FOV, we readjusted the Newtonian mirror (M2) by rotating it by 1.2 degree at the rough adjustment mechanism, and tilted M2 by reducing the gap to 0.5mm from 4.5mm. * After M1 supports were checked, globular cluster field was observed to confirm the position of Com-free field; nearly at the center in East-West direction and a little bit shifted to the South. * We tried again to adjust the M2 by titlting with its gap to erroneous 3mm (instead of 1.1mm) from 0.5mm. After M1 supports were checked again, globular cluster field was observed to confirm the position of Com-free field shifted. * We tried again to adjust the M2 by titlting with its gap to correct 1.1mm. * After supper, M1 supports were checked again. AS#14 was nearly close to the upper limit, but wroks well. * We made some observations of Globular cluster M71, Open Cluster NGC6869, and the ring nebula M57 as demonstaration images. * We found that the Coma-free field was shifted by 4 arcmin to South-East by observing a galaxy in the Northern sky. It may be caused by deflecting spiders and/or some movement of M2 inside its cell. It must be treated at our next vist. 2009-06-11 at Kottamia * Mr. Tsukamoto of JICA, Prof. Salah Mahmoud, Director of NRIAG, rof. Maged Alsherbeny, Egypt Gov. Science Adviser, were visitied Kottamia and we discussed the current solution of Kottamia telescope problems and future collaborative items. * Prof. Hamed Ismail, Director of Kottamia Observatory, presented on Kottamia Observatory using Power Point. * Prof. Salah Mahmoud, Director of NRIAG, gave us modals, but why? We gave him brochures and DVDs of NAOJ and Subaru Telescope. * We handed our photos taken during this visit to Dr. Essam. * We visited a power-generator room and a workshop at Kottamia. There are Lathes, drilling machines, and milling machine. but those machines have not been approved to work well. It may be possible to widen the limiter hole for M1 axial support using the machine at Kottamia. * A hartmann plate was attached at the top of the telescope in night, but some computer troubles made us impossible to observe with the telscope this night. Axial Support was checked again to confirm they are OK. * We obtain some documents on recreations of M1 and M1 cell for Kottamia observatory in pdf format. And also we got observation data together with old Hartmann data. 2009-06-12 : Kottamia -> Cairo * moved from Kottamia to Cairo. * shopping and wataching at Khan el-Khalili market. 2009-06-13 at Cairo * We visited Giza Pyramid. We could enter inside the Pyramid specially about 11:00 with help of the site manager of officail excavation team, whether normal entrance to the Pyramid is allowed after 13:00. Only two of us were inside the Pyramid. * We enjoyed with Dir. Hamed Ismail a nice dinner on Nile cruise. 2009-06-14 at Cairo * We visited Cairo tower on foot. Nice lunch were taken on a ship restaurant in the Nile. * We were picked up at the Nile Hotel at 15:00 to the Cairo Airport, where we arrived about 16:30 as the road is crowded. * We bought some souvenirs at duty-free shops at the airport. Beers, wines, and whiskeys are available there. ----- 2009-06-17 Report/Discuss meeting among Profs. Sekiguchi, Noguchi, and Sasaki. * As aluminizing tank were open at Kottamia, it is doubtfull for aluminizing tank to work well. Its functional testing is necessary before we conduct mirror aluminizing. --- Over ---