[2019/07/04 by TS]
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IRAF related Manuals
IRAF_JapaneseManualForBeginners.pdf An_Introductory_Users_Guide_to
IRAF_script.pdf stsdas.pdf
DAOPHOT_CrowdedFieldsPhotometry.pdf daophot2.pdf dao_refman.pdf
DS9_UserManual.pdf DS9_ReferenceManual.pdf Using_ds9.pdf
2012Nakajima_PyRaf_adc2012.pdf 20140311Nakajima_PyIRSF_Manual.pdf Python_tutorial.pdf
FITS の手引き(Ver 7.0a) Akitaya's manual on IRAF

  install IRAF 
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 Ali List 

IRAF/Pyraf commands 詳細
# conda environments:
   base          /home/sasaki/miniconda2 
   iraf27     *  /home/sasaki/miniconda2/envs/iraf27
$ setenv PYTHONSTARTUP "/home/rlw/python/pythonstartup.py"
IRAF Commands
  $ ls ~/miniconda2/envs/iraf27/ 
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki 20480  6月 23 11:02 bin 
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 compiler_compat
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki 20480  6月 23 11:02 conda-meta
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 doc
  drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:01 etc
  -rw-r--r--  1 sasaki sasaki  7072  6月 23 11:02 extern.pkg
  -rw-r--r--  1 sasaki sasaki  6965  6月 23 11:02 extern.pkg.ac_bak
  drwxr-xr-x 24 sasaki sasaki 12288  6月 23 11:00 include
  drwxr-xr-x 18 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 10:59 iraf 
	drwxr-xr-x  4 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:58 doc/ 
	drwxr-xr-x 14 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:58 math/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 20 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:58 noao/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 19 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 pkg/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 sys/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 unix/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 ur/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 util/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  4 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 vendor/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 10 sasaki sasaki   4096  6月 23 10:59 vo/ 

  drwxr-xr-x 29 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:02 iraf_extern
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 adccdrom/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  5 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 cfh12k/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 cirred/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 15 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 ctio/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 cutoutpkg/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 deitab/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  5 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 esowfi/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 finder/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 fitsutil/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 16 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 gemini/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  5 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 gmisc/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 11 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 guiapps/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:02 kepler/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  5 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 mem0/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  4 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 mscdb/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 mscred/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 10 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 mtools/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 12 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 nfextern/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 15 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 rvsao/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  5 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 sqiid/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  8 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 stecf/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  9 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 stsdas/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 tables/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  6 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 ucsclris/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 upsqiid/ 
        drwxr-xr-x  7 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 10:59 xdimsum/ 
        drwxr-xr-x 17 sasaki sasaki 4096  6月 23 11:00 xray/

  drwxr-xr-x 21 sasaki sasaki 36864  6月 23 11:01 lib 
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 10:58 lib32 
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 libexec 
  drwxr-xr-x 65 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 mkspecs 
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 phrasebooks 
  drwxr-xr-x 27 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 plugins 
  drwxr-xr-x 25 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 qml 
  drwxr-xr-x  2 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 resources 
  drwxr-xr-x 21 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:01 share 
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 10:59 ssl 
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki 12288  6月 23 11:00 translations 
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 11:00 var 
  drwxr-xr-x  3 sasaki sasaki  4096  6月 23 10:58 x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu 
   os             pyraf           shutil          sys 
  makeIrafPar      : function makeIrafPar(init_value, datatype=None, name='', mode='h',
	  array_size=None, list_flag=0, min=None, max=None, enum=None, prompt='', strict=0, filename=None)
   EOF              : _EOFClass 
   INDEF            : _INDEFClass 
   division         : instance of class __future__._Feature 
   exit             : str, value = 'Use ".exit" to exit' 
   iraf             : instance of class pyraf.irafimport._irafModuleClass 
   logout           : str, value = 'Use ".exit" to exit' 
   no               : _Boolean 
   quit             : str, value = 'Use ".exit" to exit' 
   yes              : _Boolean 
$ pyraf
   --> help images 
       imcoords - Image coordinates package 
       imfilter - Image filtering package
          imfit - Image fitting package
         imgeom - Image geometric transformation package
        immatch - Image matching and combining package
         imutil - Image utilities package
             tv - Image display utilities package

   --> help list

	  LISTSPEC (Apr2008)                rvsao               LISTSPEC (Apr2008)

    listspec -- List wavelength and pixel value for spectrum image

    listspec filelist

        Image file template.

    specext = 0
        Spectrum extension number in multiextension FITS image

refer to http://www.stsci.edu/institute/software_hardware/pyraf/pyraf_faq
         [ PyRAF FAQ [Last edited: 6 Jan 2017.]
--> epar [task]
--> setinstrument [task]
--> .exit

Cloud Mon Data の解析

IRAF CL Script
   新規 CL script
	1. procedure宣言
        2.   明示パラメータ(スクリプト引数)宣言
        3.  (隠れパラメータ宣言)
        4.  (list directed parameters宣言)
        5. begin
        6.   スクリプトの中身
        7. end
     ecl> task mytask = mytask.cl
     ecl> redefine mytask = mytask.cl

ホストの環境変数を参照する: osfn()
file 出力:
1) (初期化出力) sections(infile, option=“fullname”, > tmpfile)
2) (追記) print( param, >> outfiles )
scan ( p1, p2, ... ) : 標準入力から読み取って内部変数p1, p2, ... , に格納
fscan( pp, p1, p2, ... ) : 内部変数ppから読み取って別の内部変数, p1, p2, ... , に格納
ecl> real x1, x2
ecl> imstat img/MT8191.fits field=“min,max” format-| scan( x1, x2 )
mktemp : 一時使用ファイル(temporary file)を作るコマンド
ecl> tmpfile= mktemp( “ppp.” ) : ppp.xxxx(xxxxは数字)というファイル名が自動生成されてtmpfileにアサインされる。
   ecl> string tmpfile
   ecl> tmpfile= mktemp( “ppp.”  )
   ecl> =tmpfile
   ecl> print(“hello”, > tmpfile)
   ecl> lsecl> del (tmpfile)
   ecl> imcopy(“img/MT8191.fits”, tmpfile)
   ecl> ls
   ecl> imdel(tmpfile)
list directed parameters(LDP) : テキストファイルの中身を、改行で区切られた文字列の順序リストとして格納してくれる
CLスクリプト中での宣言:必ずbeginの前で、struct *pppあるいはstring *ppp
ppp = file_name

   ecl> struct *tlist
   ecl> tlist = “table1”
   ecl> while (fscan (tlist, s1) != EOF)
sections( “*.fits”, option=“full”)
sections( “@list”, option=“root”)
# printit.clを実行してみよう
# ecl> task printit=printit.cl
# ecl> printit printit.cl
   procedure printit(file_name)
   string file_name
   struct *flist

     struct line
     flist= file_name
     while( fscan( flist, line ) != EOF )
  IRAF CL Script sample
   !xpaset(), !xpaget() で CL Script 内で xpaset/xpaget() が使えそう。
Modified display2.cl using xpaset(), as oiginal display cannot be shown the header correctly but image display is OK.
   procedure display2 (image)
   #     2019-09-06/TS
   # usage: ecl> task display2=display2.cl
   #        ecl> redefine display2=display2.cl
   #        ecl> display2 /home/sasaki/IRAF/iraf/dev/image.fits
   #        ecl> display2 /home/sasaki/IRAF/iraf/dev/image.fits frame=2
   #        ecl> epar display2

   char image = "dev$image2.fits"   {prompt="image to be displayed Z"}
   int  frame = 5          {prompt="frame to be written into"}
   char zoom  = "zoom to fit"       {prompt="zoom to fit, zoom 2"}
   # sring xxx
	string imagefile
	string frameno
	string szoom
	char   options
	task    $xpaset  = "$foreign"

	imagefile = image
	frameno = frame
	szoom = zoom
	if( access( imagefile ) != yes ) 
	#   print " *** File is not available [", image, "]"  # imagefile is not expanded.
	   print( " *** File is not available [", imagefile , "]")
	      # if( access( image) == yes )
	      # if( access( image) == no ) 

        # Make sure the 'tv' package is loaded...
	if ( !defpac("tv") ) { error(2,"Please load package 'tv' first!") }

	# Check whether the image exists...
	#	unlearn chkimg
	#	chkimg (imagefile, "access", verbose=yes)
	#	if (!chkimg.ok) { return }

	# display image on monitor
        options = " -p ds9 frame frameno "//frameno    # <== // means "strings" concatenating

   #    options= " -p -n ds9 fits "// imagefile
	options = " -p ds9 fits "//imagefile           # <== // means "strings" concatenating

	options = " -p ds9 "//szoom                    # <== // means "strings" concatenating

   end  # end of script

The IRAF Packages
IRAF Version 2.10
(This list does not reflect any tasks added by the various patches to V2.10.)
  ref) NOAO_IRAF_beginners_guide.pdf ... Appendix A (P.41)
     in Q:\1ToshiPrivate\Appli\8Astro\IRAF
dataio Data format conversion package (RFITS, etc.)
dbms Database management package (not yet implemented)
images General image processing package
language The command language itself
lists List processing package
local The template local package
obsolete Obsolete tasks
noao The NOAO optical astronomy packages
plot Plot package
proto Prototype or interim tasks
softools Software tools package
system System utilties package
utilities Miscellaneous utilities package
bintxt Convert a binary file to an IRAF text file
mtexamine Examine the structure of a magnetic tape
rcardimage Convert a cardimage file into a text file
reblock Copy a binary file, optionally reblocking
rfits Convert a FITS image into an IRAF image
rtextimage Convert text files to IRAF images
t2d Fast tape to disk copy
txtbin Convert an IRAF text file to a binary file
wcardimage Convert text files to cardimage files
wfits Convert an IRAF image into a FITS image
wtextimage Convert an IRAF image to a text file
blkavg Block average or sum a list of N-D images
blkrep Block replicate a list of images
boxcar Boxcar smooth a list of 1 or 2-D images
chpixtype Change the pixel type of a list of images
convolve Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with a rectangular filter
fit1d Fit a function to image lines or columns
fmedian Quantize and median filter a 2-D image or a list of images
fmode Quantize and modal filter a 2-D image or list of images
gauss Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with an elliptical Gaussian
geomap Calculate a coordinate transformation
geotran Geometrically transform a set of 2-D images
gradient Convolve a list of 1 or 2-D images with a gradient operator
hedit Header editor
hselect Select a subset of images satisfying a boolean expression
imarith Simple image arithmetic
imcombine Combine images pixel-by-pixel using various algorithms
imcopy Copy an image
imdebug Image debugging package (currently undocumented)
imdelete Delete a list of images
imdivide Image division with zero checking and rescaling
imgets Return the value of an image parameter as a string
imheader Print an image header
imhistogram Compute image histogram
imlintran Linearly transform a list of 2-D images
imrename Rename one or more images
imshift Shift a list of 2-D images
imslice Slice images into images of lower dimension
imstack Stack images into a single image of higher dimension
imstatistics Compute and print statistics for a list of images
imsum Compute the sum, average, or median of a set of images
imsurfit Fit a surface to a 2-D image
imtranspose Transpose a 2-D image
laplace Laplacian filter a list of 1 or 2-D images
lineclean Replace deviant pixels in image lines
listpixels Convert an image section into a list of pixels
magnify Magnify a list of 1-D or 2-D images
median Median filter a 2-D image or list of images
minmax Compute the minimum and maximum pixel values in an image
mode Modal filter a 2-D image or list of images
register Register a set of images
rotate Rotate and shift a list of 2-D images
sections Expand an image template on the standard output
shiftlines Shift image lines
tv Image display load and control package
display Load an image or image section into the display
iis IIS image display control package
imedit Examine and edit pixels in images
imexamine Examine images using image display, graphics, and text
tvmark Mark objects on the image display
wcslab Overlay a displayed image with a world coordinate grid
blink Blink two frames
cv Control image device, display "snapshot"
cvl Load image display (newer version of ’display’)
erase Erase an image frame
frame Select the frame to be displayed
lumatch Match the lookup tables of two frames
monochrome Select monochrome enhancement
pseudocolor Select pseudocolor enhancement
rgb Select true color mode (red, green, and blue frames)
window Adjust the contrast and dc offset of the current frame
zoom Zoom in on the image (change magnification)
intro A brief introduction to IRAF
Language components:
break * Break out of a loop
case * One setting of a switch
commands A discussion of the syntax of IRAF commands
cursors Graphics and image display cursors
declarations Parameter/variable declarations
default * The default clause of a switch
else * Else clause of IF statement
for * C-style for loop construct
if * If statement
goto * Goto statement
logging Discussion of CL logging
next * Start next iteration of a loop
parameters Discussion of parameter attributes
procedure * Start a procedure script
return * Return from script with an optional value
switch * Multiway branch construct
while * While loop
Builtin Commands and Functions:
access Test if a file exists
back Return to the previous directory (after a chdir)
beep Send a beep to the terminal
bye Exit a task or package
cache Cache parameter files, or print the current cache list
cd Change directory
chdir Change directory
cl Execute commands from the standard input
clbye A cl followed by a bye (used to save file descriptors)
clear Clear the terminal screen
defpac Test if a package is defined
defpar Test if a parameter is defined
deftask Test if a task is defined
dparam Dump a pset as a series of task.param=value assignments
edit Edit a text file
ehistory Edit history file to re-execute commands
envget Get the string value of an environment variable
eparam Edit parameters of a task
error Print error code and message and abort
flprcache Flush the process cache
fprint * Print a line into a parameter
fscan * Scan a list
gflush Flush any buffered graphics output
hidetask Make a task invisible to the user
history Display commands previously executed
jobs Display status of background jobs
keep Make recent set, task, etc. declarations permanent
kill Kill a background job
logout Log out of the CL
lparam List the parameters of a task
mathfcns Mathematical routines
mktemp Make a temporary (unique) file name
osfn Return the host system equivalent of an IRAF filename
package Define a new package, or print the current package names
prcache Show process cache, or lock a process into the cache
print Format and print a line on the standard output
putlog Put a message to the logfile
radix Encode a number in the specified radix
redefine Redefine a task
reset Reset the value of an environment variable
scan * Scan the standard input
service Service a query from a background job
set Set an environment variable
show Show an environment variable
sleep Hibernate for a specified time
strings String manipulation routines
stty Set/show terminal characteristics
task Define a new task
time Print the current time
unlearn Restore the default parameters for a task or package
update Update a task’s parameters (flush to disk)
wait Wait for all background jobs to complete
average Compute the mean and standard deviation of a list
columns Convert multicolumn file to separate files
lintran Perform linear transformation of a list
rgcursor Read the graphics cursor (makes a list)
rimcursor Read the image display cursor (makes a list)
table Format a list of words into a table
tokens Break a file up into a stream of tokens
unique Delete redundant elements from a list
words Break a file up into a stream of words
     The previous package and release is listed in parenthesis
imtitle Change the title of an image (noao.proto V2.9)
mkhistogram List or plot the histogram of a data stream (noao.proto V2.9)
oimcombine Combine images (images.imcombine V2.9)
radplot PLot the radial profile of an object (noao.proto V2.9)
calcomp Plot metacode on a Calcomp pen plotter
contour Make a contour plot of an image
crtpict Generate greyscale plots of IRAF images
gdevices List available imaging or other graphics devices
gkidecode Decode metacode on the standard output
gkidir Directory listing of metacode file
gkiextract Extract individual frames from metacode file
gkimosaic Condense metacode frames to fit on one page
graph Graph one or more image sections or lists
hafton Generate half-tone plots of an image
imdkern Image display device (IMD) graphics kernel
implot Plot lines and columns of images using cursors
nsppkern Plot metacode on a NSPP (NCAR) plotter device
pcol Plot a column of an image
pcols Plot the average of a range of image columns
phistogram Plot or print the histogram of an image or list
pradprof Plot or list the radial profile of a stellar object
prow Plot a line (row) of an image
prows Plot the average of a range of image lines
pvector Plot an arbitrary vector in a 2D image
sgidecode Decode an SGI format metacode file
sgikern Simple graphics interface (SGI) graphics kernel
showcap Show and decode graphcap entries
stdgraph Plot metacode on the standard graphics device
stdplot Plot metacode on the standard plotter device
surface Make a surface plot of an image
velvect Plot representation of a velocity field
binfil Create a binary file from an IRAF image
bscale Linearly transform the intensities of a list of images
epix Edit pixels in an image
fields Extract specified fields from a list
fixpix Fix bad pixels by linear interpolation from nearby pixels
hfix Fix image headers with a user specified command
imalign Register and shift a list of images
imcentroid Compute relative shifts for a list of images
imcntr Locate the center of a stellar image
imfunction Apply a function to the image pixel values
imreplace Replace pixels in a range by a constant
imscale Scale an image to a specified (windowed) mean
interp Interpolate for a value in a table of X,Y pairs
irafil Create an IRAF image from a binary data file
joinlines Join text files line by line
suntoiraf Convert Sun rasters into IRAF images
wcsedit Edit the image coordinate system
wcsreset Reset the image coordinate system
generic Preprocess a generic source file
hdbexamine Examine a help database
lroff Lroff (line-roff) text formatter
mkhelpdb Make (compile) a help database
mkmanpage Make a manual page
mkpkg Make or update an object library or package
mktags Tag all procedure declarations in a set of files
mkttydata Build cache for termcap/graphcap device entries
rmbin Find/delete binary files in subdirectories
rmfiles Find/delete files in subdirectories
rtar Read a TAR format archive file
wtar Write a TAR format archive file
xc Compile and/or link a program
xyacc Build an SPP language parser
allocate Allocate a device, i.e., magtape drive mta, mtb, ...
concatenate Concatenate a list of files
copy Copy a file or files (use IMCOPY for imagefiles)
count Count the number of lines, words, characters in a text file
deallocate Deallocate a previously allocated device
delete Delete a file or files (use IMDELETE to delete imagefiles)
devices Print information on the locally available devices
devstatus Print the status of a device (mta, mtb, ...)
directory List the files in a directory
diskspace Show how much diskspace is available
files Expand a file template into a list of files
gripes Send suggestions, complaints, etc. to the system
head Print the first few lines of a text file
help Print online documentation
lprint Print a file on the line printer device
match Print all lines in a file that match a pattern
mkdir Create a new directory
mkscript Make a command script
movefiles Move files to a directory
netstatus Print the status of the local network
news Page through the system news file
page Page through a file
pathnames Expand a file template into a list of OS pathnames
phelp Paged HELP: collects and pages the output of HELP
protect Protect a file from deletion
references Find all help database references for a given topic
rename Rename a file
rewind Rewind a device (magtape)
sort Sort a text file
spy Show processor status
tail Print the last few lines of a file
tee Tee the standard output into a file
type Type a text file on the standard output
unprotect Remove delete protection from a file
curfit Fit data with Chebyshev, Legendre or spline curve
detab Replace tabs with tabs and blanks
entab Replace blanks with tabs and blanks
lcase Convert a file to lower case
polyfit Fit polynomial to list of X,Y data
split Split a large file into smaller segments
translit Replace or delete specified characters in a file
ucase Convert a file to upper case
urand Uniform random number generator
   Note: Language package keywords are starred[*]. To get help on a keyword enclose it in quotes.

The NOAO Packages
IRAF Version 2.10
(This list does not reflect any tasks added by the various patches to V2.10.)
  ref) NOAO_IRAF_beginners_guide.pdf ... Appendix B (P.47)
     in Q:\1ToshiPrivate\Appli\8Astro\IRAF
artdata Artificial data generation package [up]
astrometry Astrometry package
astutil Astronomical utilities package [up]
digiphot Digital stellar photometry package [up]
focas Faint object classification and analysis package
imred Image reductions package [up]
mtlocal Magtape i/o for special NOAO format tapes [up]
nobsolete Obsolete tasks to be phased out in a future release [up]
nproto Prototype (temporary, contributed) tasks [up]
observatory Examine and define observatory parameters [up]
onedspec One dimensional spectral red & analysis package [up]
rv Radial velocity analysis package [up]
surfphot Galaxy isophotal analysis package
twodspec Two dimensional spectral red & analysis package [up]
gallist Make an artificial galaxies list
mk1dspec Make/add artificial 1D spectra
mk2dspec Make/add artificial 2D spectra using 1D spectra templates
mkechelle Make artificial 1D and 2D echelle spectra
mkexamples Make artificial data examples
mkheader Append/replace header parameters
mknoise Make/add noise and cosmic rays to 1D/2D images
mkobjects Make/add artificial stars and galaxies to 2D images
mkpattern Make/add patterns to images
starlist Make an artificial star list
airmass Compute the airmass at a given elevation above the horizon
asttimes Compute UT, Julian day, epoch, and siderial time
ccdtime Compute time required to observe star of given magnitude
galactic Convert ra, dec to galactic coordinates
gratings Compute and print grating parameters
pdm Find periods in light curves by Phase Dispersion Minimization
precess Precess a list of astronomical coordinates
rvcorrect Compute radial velocity corrections
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
apphot Aperture Photometry Package
daophot Dao Crowded-Field Photometry Package
photcal Photometric Calibration Package
ptools Photometry Tools Package
aptest Run basic tests on the apphot package tasks
center Compute accurate centers for a list of objects
centerpars Edit the centering parameters
daofind Find stars in an image using the DAO algorithm
datapars Edit the data dependent parameters
fitpsf Model the stellar psf with an analytic function
fitsky Compute sky values in a list of annular or circular regions
fitskypars Edit the sky fitting parameters
phot Measure magnitudes for a list of stars
photpars Edit the photometry parameters
polymark Create polygon lists for polyphot
polyphot Measure magnitudes inside a list of polygonal regions
polypars Edit the polyphot parameters
qphot Measure quick magnitudes for a list of stars
radprof Compute the stellar radial profile of a list of stars
wphot Measure magnitudes for a list of stars with weighting
lintran Linearly transform a coordinate list
pexamine Interactively examine or edit an apphot output file
txdump Dump select fields from an apphot output file
addstar Add artificial stars to an image using the computed psf
allstar Group and fit psf to multiple stars simultaneously
centerpars Edit the centering algorithm parameters
daofind Find stars in an image using the DAO algorithm
daopars Edit the daophot algorithms parameter set
daotest Run basic tests on the daophot package tasks
datapars Edit the data dependent parameters
fitskypars Edit the sky fitting algorithm parameters
group Group stars based on positional overlap and signal/noise
nstar Fit the psf to groups of stars simultaneously
peak Fit the psf to single stars
phot Compute sky values and initial magnitudes for a list of stars
photpars Edit the photometry parameters
psf Fit the point spread function
seepsf Compute an image of the point spread function
substar Subtract the fitted stars from the original image
pappend Concatenate a list of daophot databases
pconvert Convert a text database to a tables database
pdump Print selected fields from a list of daophot databases
grpselect Select groups of a specified size from a daophot database
pexamine Interactively examine and edit a daophot database
prenumber Renumber stars in a daophot database
pselect Select records from a daophot database
psort Sort a daophot database
istable Is a file a table or text database file ?
pappend Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot databases
pconvert Convert from an apphot/daophot text to tables database
pdump Print selected columns of a list of daophot/apphot databases
prenumber Renumber a list of apphot/daophot databases
pexamine Interactively examine and edit an apphot/daophot database
pselect Select records from a list of apphot/daophot databases
psort Sort a list of apphot/daophot databases
pttest Run basic tests on the ptools package tasks
tbappend Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot tables databases
tbdump Print selected columns of a list of tables databases
tbrenumber Renumber a list of apphot/daophot tables databases
tbselect Select records from a list of apphot/daophot tables databases
tbsort Sort a list of apphot/daophot tables databases
txappend Concatenate a list of apphot/daophot text databases
txdump Print selected columns of a list of apphot/daophot text databases
txrenumber Renumber a list of apphot/daophot text databases
txselect Select records from a list of apphot/daophot text databases
txsort Sort a list of apphot/daophot text databases
argus CTIO ARGUS reduction package
bias General bias subtraction tools
ccdred Generic CCD reductions
ctioslit CTIO spectrophotometric reduction package
dtoi Density to Intensity reductions for photographic plates
echelle Echelle spectra reductions (slit and FOE)
generic Generic image reductions tools
hydra KPNO HYDRA (and NESSIE) reduction package
iids KPNO IIDS spectral reductions
irred KPNO IR camera reductions
irs KPNO IRS spectral reductions
kpnocoude KPNO coude reduction package (slit and 3 fiber)
kpnoslit KPNO low/moderate dispersion slits (Goldcam, RCspec, Whitecam)
specred Generic slit and fiber spectral reduction package
vtel Solar vacuum telescope image reductions
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plots of spectra
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
msresp1d Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra
refspectra Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra
reidentify Automatically identify features in spectra
sapertures Set or change aperture header information
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges
scopy Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectrum header parameters
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
doargus Process ARGUS spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
colbias Fit and subtract an average column bias
linebias Fit and subtract an average line bias
badpiximage Create a bad pixel mask image from a bad pixel file
ccdgroups Group CCD images into image lists
ccdhedit CCD image header editor
ccdinstrument Review and edit instrument translation files
ccdlist List CCD processing information
ccdproc Process CCD images
ccdtest CCD test and demonstration package
combine Combine CCD images
cosmicrays Detect and replace cosmic rays
darkcombine Combine and process dark count images
flatcombine Combine and process flat field images
mkfringecor Make fringe correction images from sky images
mkillumcor Make flat field illumination correction images
mkillumflat Make illumination corrected flat fields
mkskycor Make sky illumination correction images
mkskyflat Make sky corrected flat field images
setinstrument Set instrument parameters
zerocombine Combine and process zero level images
ccdgeometry Discussion of CCD coordinate/geometry keywords
ccdtypes Description of the CCD image types
flatfields Discussion of CCD flat field calibrations
guide Introductory guide to using the CCDRED package
instruments Instrument specific data files
package CCD image reduction package
subsets Description of CCD subsets
artobs Create an artfificial CCD observation
demo Run a demonstration of the CCD reduction package
mkimage Make or modify an image with simple values
subsection Create an artificial subsection CCD observation
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT
calibrate Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra
continuum Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
identify Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function
refspectra Assign reference spectra to object spectra
reidentify Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra
scopy Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectral header elements
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Plot and analysis spectra
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
doslit Process CTIO slit spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
dematch Match a list of density values to exposure values
hdfit Fit a curve to density, log exposure values
hdshift Align related HD curves
hdtoi Apply DTOI transformation to density image
selftest Self test program to check DTOI transformation
spotlist Generate a list of calibration spot values
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
apfit Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio
apflatten Remove overall spectral and profile shapes from flat fields
apmask Create an IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures
apnormalize Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apscatter Fit and subtract scattered light
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plots of spectra
calibrate Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
ecidentify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
ecreidentify Automatically reidentify features in spectra
refspectra Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra
scopy Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats
sensfunc Compute sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectrum header parameters
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
doecslit Process Echelle slit spectra
dofoe Process Fiber Optic Echelle (FOE) spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
background Fit and subtract a line or column background
cosmicrays Detect and replace cosmic rays
darksub Scale and subtract a dark count image
flat1d Make flat field by fitting a 1D func. to the lines or columns
flatten Flatten images using a flat field
normalize Normalize images
normflat Create a flat field by normalizing and replacing low values
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apscatter Fit and remove scattered light
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plots of spectra
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
msresp1d Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra
refspectra Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra
reidentify Automatically identify features in spectra
sapertures Set or change aperture header information
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges
scopy Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectrum header parameters
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
dohydra Process HYDRA spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
addsets Add subsets of strings of spectra
batchred Batch processing of IIDS/IRS spectra
bplot Batch plots of spectr
bswitch Beam-switch strings of spectra to make obj-sky pairs
calibrate Apply sensitivity correction to spectra
coefs Extract mtn reduced ceofficients from henear scans
coincor Correct spectra for detector count rates
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
extinct Use BSWITCH for extinction correction
flatdiv Divide spectra by flat field
flatfit Sum and normalize flat field spectra
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
lcalib List calibration file data
mkspec Generate an artificial spectrum
names Generate a list of image names from a string
powercor Apply power law correction to mountain reduced spectra
process A task generated by BATCHRED
refspectra Assign reference spectra to object spectra
reidentify Automatically identify features in spectra
scombine Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
sinterp Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum
slist1d List spectral header elements
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
subsets Substract pairs in strings of spectra
sums Generate sums of object and sky spectra by aperture
center Compute accurate centers for a list of objects
centerpars Edit the centering parameters
datapars Edit the data dependent parameters
flatten Flatten images using a flat field
iralign Align the image produced by irmosaic
irmatch1d Align and intensity match the image produced by irmosaic (1D)
irmatch2d Align and intensity match the image produced by irmosaic (2D)
irmosaic Mosaic an ordered list of images onto a grid
mosproc Prepare images for quick look mosaicing
txdump Select fields from the center task output text file
addsets Add subsets of strings of spectra
batchred Batch processing of IIDS/IRS spectra
bplot Batch plots of spectra
bswitch Beam-switch strings of spectra to make obj-sky pairs
calibrate Apply sensitivity correction to spectra
coefs Extract mtn reduced ceofficients from henear scans
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
extinct Use BSWITCH for extinction correction
flatdiv Divide spectra by flat field
flatfit Sum and normalize flat field spectra
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
lcalib List calibration file data
mkspec Generate an artificial spectrum
names Generate a list of image names from a string
process A task generated by BATCHRED
refspectra Assign reference spectra to object spectra
reidentify Automatically identify features in spectra
scombine Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
sinterp Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum
slist1d List spectral header elements
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
subsets Substract pairs in strings of spectra
sums Generate sums of object and sky spectra by aperture
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT
calibrate Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra
continuum Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
identify Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function
msresp1d Create fiber response spectra from flat field and sky spectra
refspectra Assign reference spectra to observations
reidentify Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions
sapertures Set or change aperture header information
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra
scopy Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectrum headers
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Plot and analyze spectra
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
do3fiber Process KPNO coude three fiber spectra
doslit Process KPNO coude slit spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT
calibrate Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra
continuum Fit and normalize the continuum of multispec spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction corrections
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
identify Identify arc lines and determine a dispersion function
refspectra Assign reference spectra to observations
reidentify Reidentify arc lines and determine new dispersion functions
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra
scopy Copy spectra including aperture selection and format changes
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
slist List spectrum headers
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Plot and analyze spectra
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
doslit Process slit spectra
demos Demonstrations and tests
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
apfit Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio
apflatten Remove overall spectral and profile shapes from flat fields
apmask Create and IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures
apnormalize Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apscatter Fit and subtract scattered light
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
bplot Batch plot of spectra with SPLOT
calibrate Extinction and flux calibrate spectra
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction correction
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Doppler correct spectra
fitprofs Fit gaussian profiles
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
msresp1d Create 1D response spectra from flat field and sky spectra
refspectra Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra
reidentify Automatically reidentify features in spectra
sapertures Set or change aperture header information
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra
scopy Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats
sensfunc Compute instrumental sensitivity from standard stars
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
sfit Fit spectra and output fit, ratio, or difference
skysub Sky subtract extracted multispec spectra
slist List spectrum header parameters
specplot Scale, stack, and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
standard Tabuluate standard star counts and fluxes
dofibers Process fiber spectra
doslit Process slit spectra
destreak Destreak He 10830 grams.
destreak5 First pass processing CL script for 10830 grams.
dicoplot Make dicomed plots of carrington maps.
fitslogr Make a log of certain header parameters from a FITS tape.
getsqib Extract the squibby brightness image from a full disk scan.
makehelium Cl script for processing destreaked 10830 grams(second pass).
makeimages Cl script for processing magnetograms into projected maps
merge Merge daily grams into a Carrington map.
mrotlogr Log some header parameters from a FITS rotation map tape.
mscan Read all sector scans on a tape and put them into images.
pimtext Put text directly into images using a pixel font.
putsqib Merge a squibby brightness image into a full disk image.
quickfit Fit an ellipse to the solar limb.
readvt Read a full disk tape and produce an IRAF image.
rmap Map a full disk image into a 180 by 180 flat image.
syndico Make dicomed print of daily grams 18 cm across.
tcopy Tape to tape copy routine.
trim Set all pixels outside the limb to 0.0 (use sqib for limb).
unwrap Remove effects of data wraparound on continuum scans.
vtblink Blink daily grams on the IIS to check for registration.
vtexamine Examine a vacuum telescope tape, print headers and profile.
writetape Cl script to write 5 full disk grams to tape.
writevt Write an IRAF image to tape in vacuum telescope format.
ldumpf List the permanent files on a Cyber DUMPF tape
r2df Convert a CTIO 2-d frutti image into an IRAF image
rcamera Convert a CAMERA image into an IRAF image
rdumpf Convert IPPS rasters from a DUMPF tape to IRAF images
ridsfile Convert IDSFILES from a DUMPF tape to IRAF images
ridsmtn Convert mountain format IDS/IRS data to IRAF images
ridsout Convert a text file in IDSOUT format to IRAF images
rpds Convert a PDS image into an IRAF image
rrcopy Convert IPPS rasters from an RCOPY tape to IRAF images
widstape Convert ONEDSPEC spectra to IDSOUT text format
binpairs Bin pairs of (x,y) points in log separation
findgain Estimate the gain and readnoise of a CCD
findthresh Estimate a CCD’s sky noise from the gain and readnoise
iralign Align the mosaiced image produced by irmosaic
irmatch1d Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (1D)
irmatch2d Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (2D)
irmosaic Mosaic an ordered list of images onto a grid
linpol Calculate polarization frames and Stoke’s parameters
slitpic Generate IRAF image of aperture slit mask
bplot Batch plots of spectra
calibrate Apply extinction and flux calibrations to spectra
continuum Fit the continuum in spectra
deredden Apply interstellar extinction correction
dispaxis Dispersion axis parameters for 2D images
dispcor Dispersion correct spectra
dopcor Apply doppler corrections
fitprofs Fit gaussian profiles
identify Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution
lcalib List calibration file data
mkspec Generate an artificial spectrum
names Generate a list of image names from a string
ndprep Make neutral density filter calibration image
refspectra Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra
reidentify Automatically identify features in spectra
sapertures Set or change aperture header information
sarith Spectrum arithmetic
scombine Combine spectra having different wavelength ranges
scopy Select and copy apertures in different spectral formats
sensfunc Create sensitivity function
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
sfit Fit spectra and output fit, ratio, or difference
sinterp Interpolate a table of x,y pairs to create a spectrum
slist List spectrum header parameters
specplot Stack and plot multiple spectra
splot Preliminary spectral plot/analysis
standard Identify standard stars to be used in sensitivity calc
package Discussion and overview of package including sections on: spectral formats, dispersion coordinates, and units
continpars Edit continuum subtraction parameters
fltpars Edit the flter function parameters
fxcor Radial velocities via Fourier cross correlation
keywpars Translate the image header keywords used in RV package
rvcorrect Compute radial velocity corrections
apextract Aperture Extraction Package
longslit Longslit Package
apall Extract 1D spectra (all parameters in one task)
apdefault Set the default aperture parameters and apidtable
apdemos Various tutorial demonstrations
apedit Edit apertures interactively
apfind Automatically find spectra and define apertures
apfit Fit 2D spectra and output the fit, difference, or ratio
apflatten Remove overall spectral and profle shapes from flat fields
apmask Create and IRAF pixel list mask of the apertures
apnormalize Normalize 2D apertures by 1D functions
aprecenter Recenter apertures
apresize Resize apertures
apscatter Fit and subtract scattered light
apsum Extract 1D spectra
aptrace Trace positions of spectra
apbackground Background subtraction algorithms
approfles Profle determination algorithms
apvariance Extractions, variance weighting, cleaning, and noise model
package Package parameters and general description of package
background Fit and subtract a line or column background
extinction Apply atmospheric extinction corrections to images
fitcoords Fit user coordinates to image coordinates
fluxcalib Apply flux calibration to images
identify Identify features
illumination Determine illumination calibration
reidentify Reidentify features
response Determine response calibration
setairmass Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure
setjd Compute and set Julian dates in images
transform Transform longslit images to user coordinates
Many of the tasks in the NOAO packages are visible in several different packages. Although these are the same tasks and provide the same functionality, the default parameters are often set differently to account for different instruments or uses.

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